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Converting ISO 8583 to JSON

We convert the legacy ISO 8583 scheme message into a user-friendly, open JSON message format.
Card networks send out messages using the ISO 8583 standard, an international standard for financial transaction card-originated interchange messaging. The ISO 8583 messages are made up of complex data fields detailing things like transaction value, where it originated, the card account number and so on.

However, while the message format has become standard across the world, it isn’t particularly easy for developers to read, parse or work with.

Luckily, our platform converts ISO 8583 messages into the user-friendly, open JSON format, meaning that you can:

Take control

Manage the transaction in real time, without the burden of handling ISO 8583 – you set the rules

Use the data across the platform

Easily use the message data across the Marqeta platform from transaction matching to PCI widgets to the Admin app

Use one single messaging format

Standardise fields across both Visa and Mastercard messaging formats

Let us take care of future scheme updates

We’ll automatically handle any updates to the ISO message format

Launch your next payment innovation

Let's talk about your use case and how we can help.